gut-ter-snipe (n): a homeless vagabond and especially an outcast boy or girl in the streets of a city

Guttersnipes is a story about Jo, a 17 year old homeless girl who finds Waverly, an abandoned autistic kid in an alley. Now Jo must decide if she will turn the girl over to the hellish state home, find her a new home… or just keep her, and make a “home” with her on the streets.

  • Launched: Sep 15, 2012
  • Funding ends: Oct 30, 2012
  • Remind Me

Read more at www.guttersnipesfilm.com

Watch video: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/69061341/guttersnipes-feature-film-set-in-arkansas-0

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Why this film?

A note from the writer

“The day I learned we were having a girl, my imagination took flight. I tried to envision the woman my daughter would become — her high school years, college graduation… even my own grandchildren.

But when she was three, our family was hit with a new reality. Lexi was diagnosed autistic. She was still my girl… but it slowly dawned on me, she would never become the woman I had imagined.

Years after the diagnosis, my biggest fear remained — WHAT will happen to my daughter when I’m not around?

From this jumbled mess of thoughts, hopes, dreams, tears, and imagination I created GUTTERSNIPES.”

Our goal

Our goal is to enlighten and move people in a profound way. There is still too much ignorance about autism. However, through exposure comes understanding. Through understanding, comes compassion. We want to put something beautiful in the world that will uplift everyone who sees it.

This film is being mentored by veteran producer Steve Nicolaides (Stand By Me, When Harry Met Sally, Boyz In The Hood, A Few Good Men, School of Rock, etc.) The filmmakers are graduates of the American Film Institute (AFI). AFI is widely regarded as one of the top film schools in the world. In fact, the Hollywood Reporter ranked it #1.

Did you know?

Guttersnipes was first produced as a short film at the AFI with many of the same team members including Shuchi, the director, Joe, the writer, and James the cinematographer.

Watch Guttersnipes, the short film:

What is the money for?

Making a film is expensive. With the renting of equipment, putting up cast and crew, salaries, location fees, costumes, props, and food — money disappears fast. We’re lucky many incredibly talented people have offered to work with us at highly discounted rates.

This allows us to make a much more expensive film with our budget of $300,000!

Why is the Kickstarter goal $75,000 if your budget is $300,000?

Kickstarter is an “all-or-nothing” platform — if we fall short, we get nothing! We decided it was better to err on the conservative side, but we do hope to exceed our goal!

What happens if you exceed your goal?

The movie gets better! Here’s how the numbers break down:

$150,000 — We shoot the film or “get it in the can.”

$250,000 — We finish the film; it is edited and enhanced with sound effects and beautiful music.

$300,000 — We get a STAR! Why is this important? Having a star increases the reach of our little film, and lets us spread awareness FAR AND WIDE.

What if you raise $75,000 but don’t get to $150,000 to shoot the movie?

We’ve already raised $15,000 prior to the Kickstarter launch. In addition to that, we’re having a HUGE auction fundraiser in Little Rockon 8th Oct where we hope to raise at least $30,000. In late Oct, there will also be three smaller events inSan Francisco andNorthwest Arkansas which should raise $20-30,000.

If all goes well, at the end of the Kickstarter campaign, we will have our $150,000 to shoot the movie!

What happens if we don’t reach our goal?

If we don’t raise our goal, we get NOTHING. Donors pledge the amounts, but don’t actually pay unless (or until) the goal is reached.

Everything helps, no matter how BIG or small.

What do I get?

Take a good look at our rewards section. Producer/Writer Joe Aaron is the co-creator of the popular Disney cartoon Doug, and we have some FANTASTIC, rare Doug prizes!

  • Digital Download or DVD of the film
  • Limited edition Guttersnipes t-shirt
  • Tickets for the grand premiere
  • Walk on role in the film
  • Original Doug story premise pack
  • Original Doug character profiles
  • Private dinner with Joe Aaron
  • Original UNPUBLISHED book that Doug was based on

When do I get my gifts?

Gifts go out as soon as they are available. Some will be ready sooner than others. Sorry, that’s the best, most honest answer we have right now.

I don’t live in the US. Can I still get the rewards?

Yes. Just add $10 to your pledge for international shipping, and we’ll send out the gifts as soon as they are ready!

What should I do now?

4 Things:

  • Make a donation, any amount. You will not be charged unless we make our goal.
  • Spread the word. Share a link to this page on your Twitter and Facebook accounts. The more people we reach, the greater the chances the film gets made.
  • Encourage at least one person to donate. Even if it is only $5 — everything helps. We get psyched knowing that people want to watch this film!
  • Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and share your thoughts.

Thank you !

Important links:


