Cool People Now

Who are Your Cool People?

This is a highly subjective question. People you consider ‘cool’ will most likely not be considered cool to all your friends – just some of them.This is especiallyso in the UnitedStates, where individual rights are so highly valued. 

Who you consider to be ‘cool’ necessarily depends on numerous factors, but most especially, I believe, are your values. The set of values you develop over the course of your life depends on what you value or do not. Some of the factors that influence your value system, various psychologists have contended, depend on, among others:

  • Your accomplishments (or lack of them)
  • Your economic background and finances 
  • Your educational level 
  • Your immigration and citizenship status
  • Your parents and other family members
  • Your political leanings
  • Your readings and personal preferences
  • Your religion and its ethical influences  
  • Your traumatic experiences
  • Your working environment

And the above list is not even close to a comprehensive one. The value system and the influences you have had in your life determine what you consider to be ‘cool’ in your life. When you find people who exhibit the characteristics you consider to be important, you will like them, may want to emulate them, and may even want to achieve what they have.  

My personal background has influenced what I am today. I was born of Hindu parents and raised in the southern part of India. I was the youngest of eight siblings (five brothers and three sisters) and my mother considered me as a favorite child, along with my eldest brother. She passed away when I was just eleven, and my elder brothers and a sister moved to the predominantly Catholic Philippines to join our father there who was a store owner in a southern city of that country. 

After obtaining a BA from the University of the Philippines, I came to the United States to pursue a career in media, and contribute to society disseminating facts and truth, and eventually help people improve their lives in meaningful, purpose-driven ways.   

How Will You Be Remembered When You Are Gone?

Today I am a self-employed journalist and owner of several online domains and publications, deeply committed to, and working to help people improve several important aspects of their lives, particularly related to financial and happiness-seeking goals. 

I believe that when people help others using their inborn talents acquired abilities to enhance others’ lives in some way, they become happier. For what other purpose are we here on earth? Think deeply about how you will be remembered when you are gone.